Greeley Grip by Grip Entrance Handleset – Single Cylinder
EmtekGreeley Grip by Grip Entrance Handleset - Single CylinderEmtek's collection of Sandcast Bronze knobs, levers and cabinet hardware options are made of a metal alloy that consists mostly of copper and is made to patina over time, creating a "living" fin
EmtekGreeley Grip by Grip Entrance Handleset – Single Cylinder
Emtek’s collection of Sandcast Bronze knobs, levers and cabinet hardware options are made of a metal alloy that consists mostly of copper and is made to patina over time, creating a “living” finish that showcases exposure and wear patterns for a unique appearance.
The Bronze Age, a historic period between 3300 BC and 1200 BC, was significant for its use of this material.
- Standard 2-1/8″ Door Prep
- Door Prep 5-1/2″ Center-to-Center
- Schlage C Keyway
- Exterior Projection: 3″
- Overall Grip thickness: 1-1116″
- Clearance between door & grip: 178″
- Plates thickness: 12″
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