FGP-UGP-750-250 – PS-II Flexible Underground Gas Piping – 3/4 – Sold by the Foot
Submittal SheetOmegaFlex CatalogDesign & Installation GuideTracPipe OmegaFlex FGP-UGP-750-250 - PS-II Flexible Underground Gas Piping - 3/4" - Sold by the FootA pre-sleeved, "one-step" gas installation system for underground, rooftop, or exterior wall
Submittal Sheet
OmegaFlex Catalog
Design & Installation Guide
TracPipe OmegaFlex FGP-UGP-750-250 – PS-II Flexible Underground Gas Piping – 3/4″ – Sold by the Foot
A pre-sleeved, “one-step” gas installation system for underground, rooftop, or exterior wall applications. TracPipe PS-II can be installed under buildings, slab, roads, drivewaysits perfect for gas installations in a variety of applications where speed, reliability, and safety are paramount.
TracPipe PS-II is constructed from OmegaFlex standard TracPipe Stainless Steel Flexible Gas Pipe sleeved in a fully vent-capable polyethylene sleeve. TracPipe PS-II is supplied in standard lengths on reels or custom cut lengths. Product should be stored in an area that will not expose it to damage or outdoor elements.
Product Capabilities
- Popular TracPipe System product enhanced with a flexible black jacket, vented fittings, and a yellow layline for underground/other applications
- Vented containment system for gas control safety
- Installs in a fraction of the time to other piping materials
- Extremely damage resistant
- Easy to handle
- Quick attachment fittings
- NPT connections
- Long lengths w/o joints
- Product Applications
- Under Buildings/Slab
- Rooftops
- Exterior walls
- Pool Heaters
- School Labs
- Barbecues
- Island Ranges
- Gas Lamps/Torches
- Stadiums
Product advantages over other materials
- Lower installed cost
- Shortened installation time
- Easy to handle
- Flexible
- Ease of connection
- Wide range of fittings
- Can be installed under slab without additional protection
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